Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Friday, November 16, 2012

More Stopulos Cousins!!

We were excited to go and visit our new niece Rachel Marie today (she was born November 15)! Her mother was quite the rock star - doing 12 hours hard labor and 3 hours of pushing, all without an epidural or pain meds! She is a beautiful baby and we are so excited she is here! Joe and Kristin were so adorable and its so much fun to see them as parents! The holidays are going to be even better this year with all the new arrivals in our family!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Spooky Stuff on Halloween

It's my favorite time of year and we enjoyed it thoroughly!

PART 1: We began the day at Ruhl&Ruhl's annual corporate Halloween costume contest. We were the Flinstones - complete with Bambam and Pebbles. I think the cuteness of the kids won over the judges as Marketing took first place (finally!)! We were thrilled to have Pete participate too!

PART 2: We didn't do much trick or treating but brought our little dragon over to Mimi and Papa's house for dinner. He loved it - but I think loves anything that puts him in the center of attention!


Andrew has a new cousin!! Blake Hunter Kearney was born October 11th. We made the trip down to Kansas to see the little guy along with big brother Cole. Cole was incredibly cute - waiting in the front living room for Andrew to get there. We had fun playing with Cole's Elmo train track - Cole played rather as Andrew laid across the tracks and stuck the train cars in his mouth. Cole kept asking me, "why is Andrew doing that to my toys?" He's going to have fun when Blake is ready to play!

We also got to stay with my parents and saw cousin Sophia - so much fun to have the kids together even though they don't really play together!