Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You'd Never Know

It's been 55 days since Alexander came home from the NICU. Life has changed drastically since my post a month ago. It's been busy and wonderful. Not a day goes by that I don't relish how far we have come and how life, while not what I ever imagined, is perfect.

When we were at the 'U' last month, one of the things Dr. Klein said stuck in my mind. "You'd never know he fought for his life for so many weeks." While I remember those weeks of not knowing what each day was going to bring - when Pete's ring fit around Alexander's ankle, when a breathing tube and ventilator kept Alexander alive, when he was constantly having "spells" and alarms were sounding around the clock, when we thought he may need heart surgery, when a diaper the size of a deck of cards was too big for his tiny frame, when I let myself, for a moment, wonder if he was going to die - having Dr. Klein say these words makes the last 7 months even more real. It's weird that it seems so far away, almost like a dream (or nightmare). I'm brought back so quickly by memories, especially triggered by images and stories of other preemies fighting for their lives.

I still worry every day - but I try to push these worries out as quickly as they pop in my mind. We don't know what the next week, next month, next year, or even next 10 years will bring - for Alexander or anyone. He has already beaten the odds. According to Time Magazine's cover story Saving Preemies, about 55% of all babies born at 24 weeks survive -  only approximately 10 percent of those surviving completely healthy. We just continue to pray and have faith that we will stay strong and give Alexander anything he needs to be happy and healthy in this life.

For now, you'd never know by looking at our fat man that he was a preemie, except for the "cords," as Andrew calls them, going from his nose into one of the oxygen tanks he's always tethered to. He's 13.5 lbs and gaining steadily. We think we have this feeding thing figured out and are thrilled that he's taking a bottle so well - we have really struggled with this and ensuring that he's getting enough calories to grow appropriately.

He turned 7 months yesterday, but we measure everything (growth and development-wise) against his adjusted age (or due date), which puts him at 3.5 months. He's babbling and holding onto toys. He loves to "stand" and play in his exersaucer. He's just a cuddly joy! Plus, our big boy is sleeping through the night!!

Andrew continues to surprise and entertain us. The things that come out that kid's mouth are just hilarious! From telling us at dinner that the food is "tasty" and "awesome" to scolding his brother as he playfully flails his legs "Don't kick mommy Alexander!" - it's just pure enjoyment all of the time. The terrible twos are definitely starting to rear their ugly head - but we'll take the good with the bad - especially with this kid.

Andrew is loving all sports, trains and cars. He recently got his first ride in a fire truck after locking himself in Daddy's running car. He's obsessed with Tim Stop - singing his personal favorites, Maria and London, along with ABCs and Twinkle Twinkle.

Alexander was baptized on May 23rd when both of his godparents, Annie and Tim, were able to be in town. It was a very small ceremony on a Friday morning (to avoid crowds and potential germs) but it was just perfect for our little guy. He did great and barely peeped!

We have been able to get out of the house more often - getting braver with nice weather and being done with cold and flu season. We've done the Country Club a couple times, even going to the pool, as well as on walks and to the Farmer's Market. We love introducing Alexander to family and friends who have prayed for him and thought of us often, especially when they look at him and say, "you'd never know..."