Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Saturday, August 9, 2014


One year ago at the Junior League's I AM Strong I shared with then President Erin Leifker and good friend Katie Rathje, among many others, the happy news that I was pregnant. What a year it's been. 

Today, I participated in that same race, with my "dirty girls" at Ruhl&Ruhl Realtors. It was tough, muddy, dirty and fun. It tested my mental and physical abilities but I finished it. After tromping through a creek and using a rope to climb out of the mud I caught a glimpse of what I thought was Pete. To my surprise and delight, there was my miracle baby with Daddy and Brother waiting at the finish line. You couldn't wipe the muddy smile off my face after seeing them. 

By far the hardest obstacle was the monkey bars. I was very close to chickening out and skipping it altogether. Finally after hearing 'you can do it' about a half dozen times, I worked up the courage to try. You make think, monkey bars = no big deal. But these were about 16 bars high in the air, with 4 feet of muddy water underneath and lots of other women watching. I think I was mostly afraid of trying and failing in front of others. I am proud to say I did it. I was on a high the rest of the race. 

It's funny to me that an obstacle like this would be that big of a deal after the year we've had. Sometimes it actually feels like many years since Alexander was born and it's only been nearly nine months. He's doing so well and his still very serious lung disease and treatments that go with it, don't seem so crippling. I think we've just grown accustom to lugging oxygen tanks and doing breathing treatments. Or maybe we just are blinded by his infectious giggle and his smile that brightens a room.


Alexander is on a pretty good schedule now and while we still worry (or I still worry) about his eating, he's doing well increasing his average intake and fattening up nicely. He started rolling over from his back to his stomach so we've walked into the room a couple times surprised by his new mobility. He LOVES watching his brother and babbles to him incessantly. He's also started doing toot noises, which just makes us all laugh out loud.

Andrew continues to amuse, especially with his obcession with Uncle Tim Stop and happy go lucky persona. Just today, while waiting in the car for Daddy, Alexander was crying. Andrew says, "My brother wants to hear Still My Baby." (a newer song by his favorite Tim Stop). Thanks for translating Andrew! 

At least we know that no matter the obstacle, monkey bars or those far greater, we will power through it as a family!

Special shout out to my parents and Pete's parents for spending the weekend with Alexander and Andrew so we could head north for the Beason's wedding! We had a blast and enjoyed a weekend away together with friends!