Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Memorable Day

Today was a memorable day for our family.

We had Alexander's follow up, high risk appointment at the University of Iowa. There we learned Alexander is developing perfectly (just as we thought!), even ahead of his adjusted age. I had been concerned about his eating - he eats very little from his bottle but loves food - but he is developing right along his growth curve. He is now on the charts for his weight and head size - in the 10th percentile for his actual age. His height is catching up. We think he's a tall one for our family!

And then it happened. The doctors came in and said he was doing great on his oxygen test. Then they said words I didn't imagine happening so soon - "we think he can try coming off the oxygen." I had to do a double take.

Just before the doctors came in to share that news, we received the message that Pete's aunt, Katie Lynn, had passed. She had been fighting kidney cancer, which had spread to her entire body. She left her husband, her daughter and son, their spouses, and four grandchildren. She made an impact on many lives. We've spent many months praying for her and her family. I believe she helped answer one of our prayers today. 

We are still adjusting to having a cord-free, wireless baby. Pete's smile lit up the room as he pulled the oxygen cords from Alexander's room and rolled them up into our hall closet. We walk around the house with Alex just because we can. 

Tonight, we celebrate a step forward for Alexander as well as a life we will never forget.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Day That Started It All

One year ago, our lives were changed forever. 
It was the day we realized what true fear was, what it's like to see your child in pain, fighting to survive.
It was the day we were taught true love, how special the bond is with your spouse.
It was the day we learned what true strength was, how to pull it together when all we wanted to do was fall apart. 
It was the day we learned to have peace, to take each moment, each breath, one day at a time and to be thankful for the time we have. 
It was one of the most rewarding, blessed, challenging, happy days of my life.
It was Alexander's birthday.

I've had lots of different emotions remembering the days leading up to and the day of Alexander's birth. It was a very scary time, yet still so hopeful and positive. November 17th is World Prematurity Day and while I laid in my hospital room, KCRG kept playing a story of parents who lost their preemie and another preemie who had grown up healthy after initial support from the University of Iowa. Instead of making me scared that day, it gave me hope. 

When you look at him now, it's hard to remember everything he went through. But I suppose that's the point - to see him as he is now - a happy, little man, who wants to keep up with his older brother and lights up a room with his smile. 

The rollar coster of the past year has changed us. It's made us appreciate one another in ways I can't communicate in writing. It's made us not sweat the small stuff (yes, it's all small stuff) - and when we do sweat it, we look at Alexander for a reminder. It's made me smile when I get to hear complaints from Andrew that Alexander is playing with his toys. It's made us part of the club no parent wants in - the NICU Parent Club. But those Mom's inspired me day after day and continue to do so - especially you Karin and Angel! All of these positive changes wouldn't have happened without Alexander and his surprise birth. 

We are the lucky ones - parents that got to bring a baby home from the NICU. I know many that didn't get to do that. Every night I pray that all mothers get to take their baby home, healthy. This is why our family supports the March of Dimes and is excited to announce that Pete and I are the chairs for the 2015 Quad Cities March for Babies. More to come on that in the future but save the date: http://www.marchofdimes.org/iowa/events/10282_3136363335.html! 

So today, on World Prematurity Day, better known to us as Alexander's birthday, take time to think of those who have lost babies, had babies born unhealthy or had babies born too soon. Pray for all those families and donate to the March of Dimes. Remember our Alexander the Great, who continues to amaze us each and every day and brings such joy to our lives. 

Happy Birthday Alexander!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Update

I completely appreciate how friends and even those we don't know still ask how Alexander is doing - even when they are teasing that I haven't updated the blog. The truth is no news is good news. Actually, Alexander is doing so well that we just haven't had time to get it down on paper (or the computer). We have had a few big milestones and so here is my big update!

First off, Alexander is on the move. Literally, he is crawling all over the place. He can get to anything - rather quickly - and is getting into all of Andrew's toys. It's so much fun to watch him play and experience movement for the first time. It's also fun to watch Andrew freak out when Alexander grabs his golf clubs or electric guitar. Brothers are the best!

Secondly, Alex had his eye check up at the U two weeks ago. He had a full eye exam, even with dilation, and we are thrilled to report that his doctors said his eyes appear perfect! He will have another exam after another year and then should be good. His doctor did say that it's common for preemie's to have cross eyes and sight problems but that so far it appears Alexander has dodged that bullet.

We celebrated our first Halloween as a family of four - trick or treating was the best with Andrew. He understood knocking on doors and even said 'trick or treat' as well as 'thank you'. We made it to five houses before he said he wanted to go home 'to eat his candy'.

For those of you that know me well, you know that I LOVE Halloween and this year did not disappoint - first place in our work contest for Studio 54 and just A LOT of fun at the Eisenlauer's annual Halloween party as Mugatu and Zoolander. What fun! 

We were able to go to Ankeny for a night to see my family and play with the cousins. It was too short a visit but very fun. We also had a special visit from my dear friend Amanda and her daughter Kennedy (who also arrived a little early). 

And this week, we had another addition to the Stopulos family - James Patrick Stopulos was born to Joe and Kristin, with big sister Rachel. When we told Andrew the following morning I said that James and Alexander would be best friends and Andrew replied "we will all be best friends." Hurray for cousins!

We are also working hard on potty training - so you see a lot of this at our house. 

More to come later this month as we celebrate Alexander's first birthday and have another follow up at the U. Life couldn't be better!