Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Memorable Day

Today was a memorable day for our family.

We had Alexander's follow up, high risk appointment at the University of Iowa. There we learned Alexander is developing perfectly (just as we thought!), even ahead of his adjusted age. I had been concerned about his eating - he eats very little from his bottle but loves food - but he is developing right along his growth curve. He is now on the charts for his weight and head size - in the 10th percentile for his actual age. His height is catching up. We think he's a tall one for our family!

And then it happened. The doctors came in and said he was doing great on his oxygen test. Then they said words I didn't imagine happening so soon - "we think he can try coming off the oxygen." I had to do a double take.

Just before the doctors came in to share that news, we received the message that Pete's aunt, Katie Lynn, had passed. She had been fighting kidney cancer, which had spread to her entire body. She left her husband, her daughter and son, their spouses, and four grandchildren. She made an impact on many lives. We've spent many months praying for her and her family. I believe she helped answer one of our prayers today. 

We are still adjusting to having a cord-free, wireless baby. Pete's smile lit up the room as he pulled the oxygen cords from Alexander's room and rolled them up into our hall closet. We walk around the house with Alex just because we can. 

Tonight, we celebrate a step forward for Alexander as well as a life we will never forget.

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