Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

More Ups and Downs

For some reason I thought that we may be past the ups and downs. It was a silly thought - we are maybe halfway through our NICU stay - why would it only be up from now?? Alexander had such a great weekend after being extubated but Monday was his down day. He kept desating and his oxygen went up to 75%. In addition, I received a call from his nurse practioner that he had 3 fractured ribs. 

By this time, these rib fractures are healing. The doctors thought they happened 10-14 days ago. They only show up on the x-ray when they are healing since his bones are so immature. Due to his gestation, this wasn't surprising. This can happen for babies his size just by turning them on their side. Thankfully by this time he's not in much pain but he may have been before. Just one more obstacle for the little man and one more thing to deal with.

The up was yesterday when we both got turns holding Alexander. He was upset, fussing a bit and moving around and as soon as he was laid on my chest, skin to skin, he calmed right down, settled in for a cuddle and fell asleep. It was amazing! It's the best feeling ever to hold and snuggle with him. I know I loved it with Andrew and it's just as or maybe even more amazing with Alex. 

Alexander got better throughout the day when we were visiting and then was even better today - oxygen was down to 40% and they were able to go down on his vent settings very slightly, but he was handling it well!! I couldn't be happier!

This week a friend started back to work after taking a leave of absence with her son who had a rare form of cancer. So much can be learned from her and her family's journey. She wrote, "Please remember to be kind to others, and before you judge someone else, remember you have never walked in their shoes, no one person can fit perfectly in another’s shoes. We are all unique, not one alike...We all have a different path we walk. Surround yourself with loving people that are good for you." 

Remember to surround yourself with loving people always. Let Alexander's story be a reminder of how those people who you love can be there for you and lift you up when you never thought it was possible. Those people who are there for you during the difficult times will always be there to celebrate the great times!

I don't know how clever these "quips" will be but I thought this would be a good way to share some additional information and feelings.

Stats: 6 lbs 11 oz
Alexander is: loving his food, pacifier and kangaroo care.
I feel: hopeful. After a very scary and stressful Monday and such a comforting Tuesday, today I just feel hopeful that we will have more good days than bad. I guess that's what any of us can hope for no matter what our situation.
Lesson learned: Surround yourself with loving people always.          

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