Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Moving on up...

...to the east side, otherwise known as Bay 3! Yep our big guy officially made the move to Bay 2-3. We are in a temporary room (Room 49) since the NICU is so full right now. They plan to move us again soon. 

This was all possible since he moved to the NAVA ventilator. He's still intubated with a chest tube; this ventilator just gives him bigger breaths and makes him work harder on his own. He's done very well so far and there are big plans for the rest of this week. He started another round of steroids today and if all goes well, they plan to remove his chest tube on Friday!!! Woo hoo! Remember it's always baby steps in the NICU but this seems like a leap to me! He will then be on the C-PAP ventilator, which goes through his nose and into his throat. This will keep his pressures strong enough to help him breath on this own. He is not able to try eating from a bottle or the breast on this ventilator but they hope that we will be able to start working on feeding in the next 3-4 weeks, if he can move to the nasal cannula. His nurse did say today that Alexander is being fiesty and really doesn't like his chest tube, so they are concerned that he may pull it out on his own - but that zest and strength should help him go far!

Alexander continues to grow - as of yesterday he weighed 6 lbs 3 oz. I was warned that the feeding process can take quite a while, so I will have to continue to be patient, which is difficult. Especially since he's look like such a regular newborn - with his size and actions. Hopefully his love for his pacifier and his food will make him excited to start eating, when we can start practicing.

I was able to do Kangaroo care last Friday, when you hold the baby skin to skin on your chest. It's purpose is to help with bonding, having the baby hear your heart beat and smell your skin. It can also help promote successful breast feeding. To me, it was just one of the most wonderful moments to finally, really hold my baby, feel his skin and have him close to me. I just feel so thankful and blessed that he's doing so well and making steady steps to be a healthy baby and little boy!!

Yesterday I was able to hold him in my arms for 2 hours, he was quite comfortable, sleeping the entire time. We know we have a long road to go but these positive steps and exciting moments keep us hopeful and thankful!

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