Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Growing a Larger Greek!

Andrew is growing!!! We went to the doctor yesterday and he gained almost a pound in 1 week! It looks like the feeding plan is working. It has been a challenge since I feel like all I am doing is feeding him but we can't complain about something that is working. We thought that Andrew was gaining as we saw more rolls and his cheeks plumped up but didn't think it would be as much as it was. He now weighs 7 lbs 9 oz!

We also hit another milestone this week as well! Andrew started sleeping in his own room! I had a hard time with it but Pete was insistent as Andrew is super vocal and we needed to get some real sleep. The funny thing is he is still sleeping in his car seat - just in his crib! He just likes it that way and who are we to argue with the big guy : )

Here are some new photos and a video as well to show how active he is!

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