Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Saturday, April 7, 2012


He's here!!! Andrew James Stopulos was born March 31st at 7:12pm, weighing 6.1 lbs and coming in at 19.5 inches long. Even 3 weeks early he is PERFECT!

We had an amazing experience and such great treatment at Trinity. They called it an "spontaneous" birth because my water partiallly broke Saturday morning. I woke up at 2 am (needing to go the bathroom of course) and thought I was sweating everywhere. I changed clothes, pillow cases and such and went back to bed. I woke up again at 4am and the bed was wet - like I had wet the bed, but the fluid smelled sweet. We called the doctor and got patched through to Dr. Barr. She said that she thought my water had broke. I was not having regular contractions and so Dr Barr said we could take our time getting to the hospital. I needed to get there sooner rather than later though to start meds since I had tested postive for Group B Strep.

We arrived and got checked in at 8:30am on Saturday, March 31. It was so exciting and I felt great. They took blood, hooked me up to an IV to start antibotics. Dr. Barr arrived around 11am and fully broke my water at 11:30am. She said that the bag of waters is multi-level and the first part had broken and it was leaking. When she broke it, it felt like a gush of liquid. They also started pitosin at that time. Contractions really sped up then. I moved around the room and got on a birthing ball to try and work out the contractions. We also tried watching the Muppet Movie :) 

By 2pm they the contractions were pretty painful and we decided that an epidural was in order. At 3:30pm, I received an epidural and was able to relax for a bit. We actually finished watching the movie. It was a weird feeling - I could feel my toes and move my legs around a bit but could not move my hips at all. I was dilated to 5cm at that point and within an hour and half was a full 10 cm and 100% effaced. They then turned down the epidural so I could start feeling the contractions more and know better when I could push. It started getting more and more uncomfortable so I just tried to relax, breath and listened to some old school rap music!

Dr. Barr arrived around 6:30pm and I pushed for about 30 minutes until Andrew was born. I got to a point that I didn't know if I could get him out, but we did it! Pete was an amazing coach - wiping my sweat, giving me oxygen and cheering me on. He counted  the timing of my pushes and was so good! 

Andrew had the cord wrapped around his neck and Dr. Barr was still going to let Pete cut the cord, but Pete told her to let the experts do it. They said the Baby had a head full of dark hair and I just wanted to push the last push. They waited until the next contraction so Dr. Barr could take care of the cord and then I pushed him out and they said It's A BOY! I think I was looking to see if the Baby had those parts or not! He was immediately laid on my chest while I delivered the rest of the placenta.

It was hard work but an incredible experience - made even better by the nurses at Trinity and Dr. Barr, who now shares a birthday with Andrew!

Our parents, Kelly, Chris and Sophia were in the waiting room having pizza, wine and beer - a classy hospital tailgate : ) They came in immediately and were able to share in our joy of our new son! Joe and Kristin (the Godparents) joined us soon after. It couldn't have been a better experience!

Below are the emails that were sent out to our family by Pete:

Saturday, March 31, 2012 8:34 AM
In case you all haven't been informed by now, stuff's about to get real here in the QC. We are at the hospital now. I will keep you posted.

Saturday, March 31, 2012 11:34 AM
Actually, her water was not fully broken. They just finished breaking it and are starting a pitosin drip to accelerate the labor process. The proverbial snowball has been pushed downhill. We'll keep everyone updated.

Saturday, March 31, 2012 3:20 PM
Just received an epidural. Things are better in the pain department.

Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:18 PM
Andrew is here! Thanks for all your prayers. He came out like his dad, with the cord wrapped around his neck. Mom and baby are doing well.

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