Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trying to Put on the Pounds

Andrew is having some issues gaining weight - probably the only time in his life! We went to the doctor last week just to have him weighed and he was only 6 lbs 6 oz. He should have been at the very least 6 lbs 8 oz. Everything looks fine with him; the doctor is just thinking he's not eating enough on the breast. So the course of action is to nurse, then pump, and then feed him a bottle of what was pumped. We think he's already gained weight by this method but we will know for sure on Friday when we take him in to get weighed again!

We headed home for a day trip. It was great because we got to see the family, but the reason for the trip was not positive. My friend's dad passed away from cancer so we were home to attend his funeral. It was a great service and reminded us just how lucky we are to have our faith, our family and our health. Here are some new photos - Sophia was pretty interested in Andrew but only jealous when Papa G had him!

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