Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Saturday, April 7, 2012

So This is What Being a Parent Is Like

I am writing this blog from a hospital room. Only a week after Andrew and I were discharged from Trinity, we are now in the NICU at Genesis.

Andrew was very lethargic and was not waking up to eat on his normal schedule. Pete decided to take his temperature and it was 92.5 degrees. We couldn't believe it and found another thermometer to take his temperature with the same results. We immediately called his pediatrician and they had us go to the emergency room.

Andrew's temperature there was 93 degrees and his heartrate was a low 70 bpm. He was immediately hooked up to every piece of equipment they had - blood was drawn, fluid was given, the pediatric specialist was called down to oversee by Dr. Omar, our pediatrician. He was moved up to the NICU for further tests. At that time we were told it could be anything from a small infection to meningitis.

They did a spinal tap on him to rule out the meningitis and fortunately that came back clean!! They started antibiotics immediately following to cancel out any infection. Further tests came back good, ruling out any other infection. The doctor believes this was a case of hypothermia - with his age, size and being early at only 37 weeks, he has a more difficult time regulating his body temperature. He is also pretty jaundice - rating high on the bilirubin scale.

They will keep him at least 48 hours. He is under a lamp to help with the jaundice and a heated bed to help regulate his body temperature. Pete and I spent our first night in a family room here at the hospital. I was able to get up with him to breastfeed and we were both able to hold him some (but want to keep him under the lamps as much as possible).

He is doing much better and the doctor believes we will be able to be discharged on Sunday evening. His first Easter will be spent in a hospital but he's here with us getting better and that's all that matters.

I write this all very calmly now, but I was scared to death. I never thought I could care for something so much and worry so much. I had to fight so many tears and try to stay strong for our baby boy - something Pete is so much better at! We are so thankful that we are blessed with great doctors who knew what to do and that the Lord was watching over our little man and our family!!

Here are a few photos from the hosptial:

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