Our Family

Our Family
Our Family

Saturday, April 21, 2012

No one likes that Billy Rubin guy

This was the theme for the rest of the hospital stay - as we tried to make like of Andrew's jaundice and body temperature control. Billy Rubin is actually billirubin - the stuff that passes through the liver and is gotten rid of through bowel movements. So we were feeding Andrew as much as we could and hoping to see that Billy Rubin guy as much as possible in his diaper!

Our stay in the hospital was complicated a bit more as Cole, Andrew's only Stopulos cousin, came down with chicken pox - only the day after he had given lots of kisses to Andrew. Our doctor was confident that Andrew would be fine and would not get it, but the hospital had to take procautions as to not infect other patients. Therefore, we were moved to a controlled room so that our air would not be shared with other patients. So far, Andrew has not gotten the chicken pox. Unfortunately, his Aunt EE (Ellie) was not so lucky and she came down with them soon after Cole did, since she didn't have them as a child.

After moving Andrew was able to regulate his body temperature and the jaundice was dramatically reduced. We spent Easter Sunday in the hospital but were discharged that night!

The following Tuesday we had a follow up with Dr. Omar, our peditrician and everything looked good, including some blood work.

All is staring to go very well for our little man!!

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